While the healing benefits of certain types of water are not yet fully understood, your body when properly
hydrated hasthe ability to heal itself of many ailments. Your bodies ability to heal itself isfar greater than
anyone has lead you to believe. When you aid in your bodies elimination of toxins you clear the way for
healing to occur. With the Orwind Aqua Ionizer spring series of water ionizers, you can make your own
detox water beverages which taste amazing and are healthy to eat too!!!!
After connecting this machine to your kitchen faucet or to the water line below your sink will allow you to make ionized alkalized water with medically research potential health benefits.People wonder what exactly is alkaline water and what are its health benefits. There are many different ways to make alkaline drinking water, but only alkaline ionized water made by electrolysis has been researched and found to have antioxidant properties due to its negative Oxidation Reduction Potential and slightly higher ph. This water is called Electrolyzed Reduced Water by the scientific community and it is only made by the water electrolysis process which occurs inside water ionizers. With your own water electrolysis machine you can separate the alkaline and acidic minerals present in tap or well water to make natural alkaline water and acidic ionized water. This water cleaner works by separating the
minerals in your water allowing you to create water from a ph of 3.5 to 11 and a -ORP value of
+600mV upto -850mV. It allows you to make fresh antioxidant rich higher ph ionized drinking water everyday in unlimited amounts for yourself, your family, and even your pets
The human body is nearly 70% water by weight making water the most important nutrient within the body. By simply drinking the recommended 7-9 glasses per day of ionized alkalized electrolyzed water you too will discover the health benefits already experienced by hundreds of millions of people living worldwide.
Plug & Play Machine: No clicking on switches! Just plug the machine in and start generating water. | Smart Cleaning: Water drains for 10 seconds after 15 minutes of use | Smart Filter Technology: Your machine let you know when it's the time to change the inbuilt filters | User Friendly: With just a touch of a button, you can have access to any of the multiple waters you choose.
What are Some Alkaline Water Benefits? & What is Alkaline Water?*
Although the benefits from Alkaline water aren’t necessarily ground-breaking, there are actually some pretty effective benefits:-
Neutralize Acid in Your Bloodstream: This ultimately can lead to increased oxygen levels, improved metabolism,
Reduced body fat and fatigue, while cleansing your colon(Large Intestine
Alkaline water can detoxify
your body, getting ride of all the waste that is accumulated from processed foods.
Rejuvenate your skin: Alkaline is a great moisturizer meaning that it can hydrate your skin from the inside out. Plus, you’ll even see improved acid base balance in your blood.
Helps in Lubricating muscles and joints: Having an increase in alkaline can help increase your performance when working out by limiting muscle fatigue allowing you to workout longer.
Safe To Drink: Although there are not medical studies that back up these claims, there are studies that show that an increase in alkaline water won’t have any negative effects on your body. So it’s definitely safe to drink.
What is Alkaline Water & pH Charts for Alkaline Water
First thing you should know about what pH is. The pH Scale is basically a way to measure how much acid or alkaline a liquid contains. The pH scales runs from 0 to 14 with a pH7 being considered as a neutral value meaning that the liquid is neither acidic nor alkaline. A great example of this is plain water. Liquids that are under pH7 (like black coffee and orange juice) are a considered to be acidic while anything over pH7 (like baking soda) is consider to be non-acidic or neutral. So basically, alkalized water (high pH) is a liquid that contains less acid than normal water. Tap water for instance can vary from 6.5-7.8 on the pH scale. But this level can also changed depending on the network that the water has to travel through such as the piping, water mains and reservoirs.
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